viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009

First Term: Good and bad points.

I have to talk about the good and bad things I lived in the last term. Fortunately, there were more good than bad things.

In academic level, I learnt a lot. We had six subjects. I was interested in two of them: Statistics and Quantitative Methods, but the teachers were very bad and I got very disappointed. On the contrary, in Economics and Chile's Social History we have master classes with two eminences: Hugo Fazio and Gabriel Salazar. But the subject that contributed the most to my sociological knowledge was, definitely, Sociological Theory I. In this subject I finally could know the big theories of Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber, that some of my classmates already knew, but I didn't.

In the last term I went for the first time to the gym. I've never went before, because I used to think that it was for silly and vain people, but I had to take this subject, because it was one of the only choices that my schedule allow. At the end, it wasn't that bad, I increased my physical capacity, I got thinner and it makes me quit smoking.

I think the hardest challenges I had to face was in the academic field. Economics was a very hard and demanding subject for me, I had to study a lot more than others subjects and, at the end, it was the worst final mark I have had in my whole life.

Love was another field in wich I had to face some challenges, but in the good way. I had to adjust activites and schedules for having time to share with him; I had to learn how to leave the pride aside and talk in a calm and mature way to resolve issues. On the contrary of the first challenge I talked about, I think in this one I have had much better results.

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