miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

Election Day

I think world of politics is very damaged in these days. For that reason, I'm not registered to vote. I think I will when I find a candidate who represents all the values that a public person should have.

One of the ways to notice the damage of politics is the electoral campaings. In the last time, the propaganda is filling walls and streets. This is a very bad aspect of electoral campaings, but the worst things are the bribery with poor people and the dirty tricks like using the image, colors and sentences to subliminal messages, like this flayer, found in San Miguel.

I think the most important thing a person who wants to be president should do is making his speech based on true and own thoughts, and don't try to make people happy with promises, without a real will.

I've never considered to become a politician, unless it counts when a wanted to be president, when I was 5. But if I had to choose a ministry to work in, I think I'd choose the Work Department, because I think there a lot of things to improve in that area, like working class salaries and legal regulations. This is one of the things that need intervention and solutions inmediatly, as well as the problems with public education, inmigration issues, public healt system and politician's salaries. I think if they get only the salaries they deserve, a lot of money could be saved for another issues, more important and more urgent.

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