miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009

A piece of news.

A very shocking piece of news I recently read on internet was a raid in Ercilla, 9th  region. This news didn't appear in the official media, I read about it in a mail and in open newspaper called "El Ciudadano" and in the Bío Bío radio's online page.
According to those versions, a group of 200 police men with no identification or badges, break into a school in Temucuicui, where were in reunion some mapuche leaders with CONAF employees and  obviously, there were children inside the school. They confront and at the end of the raid there was 32 injured mapuches. The shocking part is that 7 of them were children and 7 were women, some of them pregnant, all of them injured by pellet.
Althought, there were children asphyxiated with tear gas and injured by unknown chemicals. They're from 10 days to 17 years old.

As I said, this news didn't appear in the popular and official newspaper, and the government said that they have a lot of doubts about this situation, I people shouldn't believe that this was completely true. I think this situation, like a lot others, affect all country, first of all, for the violence that police have implemented in the last time. They say is necessary to keep the calm... but what calm they're talking about?! All they do is converting all movements or activities in a little battlefield. And the second important thing, the media and the government are hiding information to people. This is a very large country and it's hard to know what's happening in other places, specially if there are people who are hiding the truth. That's the importance of citizen comunication media and the vast area of internet.

This kind of news I'd like to see on tv, read ion newspapers or hear on the radio. True and important issues, not burglaries in high society houses or how to steal a cash point with a car.

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009

Improving your faculty facilities

I've been in the faculty for less than 2 years, so I don't know very much how was the facilities before. But I can notice a lot of improves in some areas, like the new computers and the bigger room for them, the data shows in every classrooms, the new equipment for the first floor bathroom, etcetera.
But there's a lot of things to improve too. Some weeks ago, a mail comunicated that the outside part of the refectory will be the new "study room". I thought that was more a joke than a information. The administration put some sockets in the walls and that was it. It's funny when you're studying or working with your classmates and a person arrives with plates full of bottles of oil, vinegar, mustard and salt. And of course, you can't use the "study room" from twelve to three o'clock at least. And before lunch break, it's always dirty and food-smelling. I think this it's one of the most important things to improve.

A new study room would provide a quiet place to study alone or to work with the classmates teams, without having to look for an appropiate place in other faculties or even outdoors. I think the first thing to do is to let the authorities of the faculty know that this it's a real need of the students, and the solution they gave don't work very well. The second step would be to propose a place where to put it, at this moment, I can't think of anything in this moment, but I'm sure someone will figure ir out.
Another thing that it's a problem for every student in the faculty, I think, it's the lack of books and journals in the library. There's a lot to invest in this area yet.

Also, a place to relax and share with the people's faculty it's very necessary too. Some other faculties in the University have places like that, with sofas, ping-pong tables, chess tables, radio, tv's... I heard the other day that the bike's parking and plants under the stairs were removed because that space will be used for that propose. Let's hope so!

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

Election Day

I think world of politics is very damaged in these days. For that reason, I'm not registered to vote. I think I will when I find a candidate who represents all the values that a public person should have.

One of the ways to notice the damage of politics is the electoral campaings. In the last time, the propaganda is filling walls and streets. This is a very bad aspect of electoral campaings, but the worst things are the bribery with poor people and the dirty tricks like using the image, colors and sentences to subliminal messages, like this flayer, found in San Miguel.

I think the most important thing a person who wants to be president should do is making his speech based on true and own thoughts, and don't try to make people happy with promises, without a real will.

I've never considered to become a politician, unless it counts when a wanted to be president, when I was 5. But if I had to choose a ministry to work in, I think I'd choose the Work Department, because I think there a lot of things to improve in that area, like working class salaries and legal regulations. This is one of the things that need intervention and solutions inmediatly, as well as the problems with public education, inmigration issues, public healt system and politician's salaries. I think if they get only the salaries they deserve, a lot of money could be saved for another issues, more important and more urgent.

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009

Summary from a career-related article from The Guardian

No such thing as a classless society

Class still has a pervasive influence over British people's sense of identity

Anthony Heat, a 66 year-old sociologist and profesor of Nuffield College Oxford, is currently leading the first systematic research project about british people's subjectives attitudes to class and its changes on the last fifty years. Heat comments that he had made a lot of research about inequality, but there's no empirical evidence about class identity, so this project its designed to compensate this need.

Heat and another professor, John Curtice, of the Strathclyde University, analyzed the British Social Attitudes survey of 2005, about attitudes in general, that started in 1964 and have been taken after every general election since then. In this survey, there was two questions about class identity: "Would you say that you belong to any social class? In which case, which class is that?". Based on this research, Heat concludes that class seemed to be more important in 1964 than today, and that the people who described themselves as a working class have decreased, and the people who felt middle class have increase. But oddly, the classless people have increased only 1%.

An important thing to mention is related to the professional and managerial who call themselves as a working class, mainteining the impressions they had in their chilhood.